Now, what is chess pie? Chess pie is the ultimate pantry pie, meaning it's made with stuff you'll always have in your pantry. The main ingredients to any chess pie recipe are sugar, eggs, flour, and cornmeal. Some recipes call for milk, others butter, and some buttermilk. Other variations have a bit of vinegar, lemon juice, or other spices added. See what I mean, it's kind of a find what you have in the pantry and throw it together kind of pie. Once the basic chess pie is mastered then there are variations using coconut, pecans, or cocoa powder for a chocolate chess pie.
Chocolate Chess Pie |
Stories/theories as to the origin of the pie cover a wide range of possibilities. The least likely I've ever seen written was that it was a pie served when the men went to the study to play chess. Another is that because of the high sugar content it would keep well in a pie chest that people called it chest pie and with the Southern drawl it became chess. I've also heard that old Southern women would throw stuff together to make a pie and when asked what kind would say "It's jes pie" which non-Southerners heard as chess. I have no real clue where the name came from though I am mildly curious. Regardless, it's a good pie and quick to make and super easy if you use a store bought pie crust.
Fresh from the oven |
Cooled and ready to slice |
You may have noticed that there aren't many desserts here. Well, that's because we don't eat that many. Most times, if we want something after supper it'll be popcorn, canned peaches, or some cheese. Every so often though, we'll get the hankering for something sweet. A week or so ago, the good wife told me she felt like having some cake. The next day a video for a chocolate chess pie came across my Facebook feed. It's been years since the last time I had chocolate chess pie I decided to do that. The good wife agreed that it sounded good and asked when was I going to make it.
The basic recipe I used came from the Southern Living 1986 Annual Cookbook. The below recipe is with my changes.
Chocolate Chess Pie
3 eggs
1.5 cups sugar
pinch of salt, my pinch is about 1/2 tsp
4 Tbs cocoa powder
1.5 Tbs flour
1.5 Tbs corn meal
1 Tbs vanilla extract
1/2 cup milk
1 unbaked deep dish pie crust
Optional, 1/2 cup chopped pecans
Add the dry ingredients, including pecans if using, to a bowl and mix well. Put the milk, eggs, and vanilla in a bowl and combine well. Pour the milk mixture into the dry mix and stir to combine. Pour into the pie crust. Put pie into 350F oven for 45 - 50 minutes. The center should be set. Let cool on a rack.
That first slice of pie |
When you serve the pie, you have a range of options. The simplest way to serve the pie is by itself. A more decorative way to serve it is to lightly dust the slice with powdered sugar. Of course, the over the top ways to serve it are with either vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
A nice sprinkling of powdered sugar |
This pie keeps well on the counter, just cover it with aluminum foil. Not that it will stay around very long once you taste it. Yes, it is that good if I do say so myself.
Give this pie a try the next time you feel the desire for something sweet. Let me know what you think.
Uncle T