Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fried Green Tomatoes

Another summer dish and Southern delicacy, Fried Green Tomatoes.  I fixed the last batch last night because the season is ending and I picked the last of the tomatoes off the vines.  I did this because I needed the space for the fall garden and I wanted one last meal with Fried Green Tomatoes.

Time for a bit of an Uncle T rant.  Fried Green Tomatoes are made from unripe tomatoes of whatever variety you are growing.  I get aggravated every time I hear some TV chef say they are a special breed of tomato that stays green.  Not in the South they're not.  Chefs always try to over complicate things, especially regional comfort foods.  They need to stop.  Country folks aren't going to waste space to grow a green tomato just for frying.

If you don't know the greatness of a crunchy tart Fried Green Tomato you need experience it.  They will elevate any meal to heights of greatness.  Yes, I'm that confident about them.  They are simple to make and the reward is more than worth it.

Fried Green Tomatoes

Green Tomatoes, 1 per person
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
corn meal

Slice the tomatoes 1/2 inch thick.  Dredge the tomato slices in the flour.  Dip them in egg wash made from the egg and milk.  Remove from the egg wash and dredge in corn meal.  Set on rack to set while you do the rest of the tomato slices.  Heat oil in a skillet until hot, using just enough oil to cover the skillet bottom about 1/8 inch.  Put the tomatoes in the hot oil and cook until golden then flip and cook the other side till golden.  Remove from oil to the rack or onto paper towels to drain.

Coated and ready to fry

Hot from the skillet
I keep seasoned flour and seasoned corn meal in ziploc bags in the freezer.  The flour is seasoned with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.  The corn meal has salt and garlic powder.  These are what I use for the dredging.  Another staple of Southern cooking is bacon grease.  Every old school Southern cook has a container of bacon grease somewhere in the kitchen.  For some extra flavor, use bacon grease instead of oil to fry the tomato slices.

Fried Green Tomatoes with Boiled Okra and pan fried Skirt Steak
As you see, there is no need to try to complicate this.  Get some green tomatoes, either from your own garden or from a farmer's market, and embrace the culinary pleasure of Fried Green Tomatoes.

Uncle T


  1. This dish brought back memories of my childhood. It's been a while since I taste fried green tomatoes and this recipe made the taste even better. Thanks Uncle T for a taste of the past.
